Dedicated to information and celebration of the English Mastiff and all breeds of dogs. Find resources on dry and raw food diets, dog treat recipes, buying a puppy, raising a puppy, locating a reputable English Mastiff breeder and so much more!
Monday, December 30, 2013
A Mastiff Christmas 2013
The dogs had a great holiday. They are so spoiled! Got to go see Santa, got lots of treats and
to visit lots of other dogs at Lizzi and Rocco’s while seeing Santa. Presents abound, grunting toys, Zukes chews,
dehydrated trachea, dehydrated lamb lung.
Visits to both grandmas and more toys!
Hope your pets and families enjoyed the holiday’s as well!
Monday, October 21, 2013
A Gryphon Mastiffs Update - October 2013
absolutely cannot even fathom where the last year has gone. We have had a very busy spring and
summer. I haven’t had a ton of computer
time, so I’m trying to get back in the swing of things and get everyone
updated. The good news is that everyone
is happy, healthy, drooly, and doing well.
The bad news is that the breeding we tried to do with Brinkley in July
didn’t take (we’re blaming fedex for that one, but that’s another story for
another time). The good news is that
nearly all my ‘puppy people’ are/were dedicated enough to understand and are
willing to wait until the next go ‘round for a puppy. I expect Brinkley to come into season in
January or the first part of February, puppies 2 months later (April) and going
to new homes 8-9 weeks after that (June).
I actually think this might have been a blessing in disguise because I
will be so much less busy at work and won’t have to stress about missing so
many weeks of it.

the meantime, Mr. Wally (hopfully soon to be puppy daddy) has been tearing up
the show ring here in the states. He now
has numerous group placements, a BISS (Best in Show Special at a Mastiff specialty
show) and is currently the #5 Mastiff in the USA. I expect with that last win that he will bump
up to #4 for sure, and probably knock out #3 as well. He’s pretty much an awesome dude. He also
earned his TT title (Temperament Test) while here in the US. I have no doubt
that he and Brinkley will make AMAZING babies together. I’m so excited (can you tell). It’s going to
be a great winter, looking forward to getting outside with the pups more, and
next spring will hopefully by filled with drooly fur balls all over my house.
I have lost touch with anyone or anyone wants to chat or has any questions for
me drop me a line. You can email me at or on facebook (,
or if you want to chat on the phone message me for my cell number. I would love to hear from each and every one
of you and know how your summers are going.
I posted some pictures of the pups below for everyone to enjoy!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Dogs and Heat Stroke... Know the signs and how to save your dogs life
I don’t think I could have said
this better myself. PLEASE know the signs of heat stroke and be proactive about
preventing it. It could mean life and
death for your pet.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Boone was Featured in the Paper!
made the paper! He’s such a good boy and
such a great ambassador for the Mastiff breed. Here’s the beginning of the article as is was
published in the Columbia Missourian. You can read the entire story here.
Pets, owners mingle
for a cause at Columbia Pet Expo Unleashed
Owners brought their cats and dogs out to the
Columbia Pet Expo Unleashed at the Canine Sports Center on Saturday. The event
raised money for No Kill Columbia and featured several vendors offering natural
foods and toys for animals. ¦ SINI STEPHAN
— A 175-pound mastiff named Boone lowered its drooling face to sniff a small
white puppy and its pocket-sized companion at the first ever Columbia Pet Expo
Unleashed on Saturday.
mastiff and dozens of other dogs and their owners attended the daylong event at
the Canine Sports Center. The gathering was an opportunity for pet product
vendors and local animal shelters to interact with pet enthusiasts while
raising money for animal advocacy organization No Kill Columbia....
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Involvement in the Mastiff Breed
This article is reposted with permission of Cedar Hollow Mastiffs
Whether your breed is The Mastiff or any other breed…much of what I am about to say will apply. It is very long but I hope you will take the time to read it all.
Whether your breed is The Mastiff or any other breed…much of what I am about to say will apply. It is very long but I hope you will take the time to read it all.
interest in The Mastiff may stem from childhood memories; seeing them in a
movie or on TV; meeting one on the street, at a park or in a store…but what
brings you to this page is your interest in the breed. You might be a first
time Mastiff owner or a ‘seasoned’ Mastiff owner. One thing that we all have in
common for the breed is a passion. Those of us that choose to take our Mastiff
ownership to the next level and show our dogs and possibly even breed them,
take on an entirely new responsibility. We are shaping our breed, in the show
ring and in the whelping box. In America, The Mastiff Club of America (MCOA)
and the American Kennel Club (AKC) have a ‘Breed Standard’ set in place to help
guide us on the ideal Mastiff specimen.
that chooses to take this next step in Mastiff ownership ‘should’ find
themselves someone with a number of years ‘in’ the breed. By ‘in’ the breed,
this means someone that is active in the breed, has shown their dogs to their
championships, bred more than a few litters over a number of years (not just
all in one or two years), knows the pedigrees involved, is knowledgeable of the
health testing available and how to perform such testing, knows (and is known
by) other Mastiff breeders around the country, etc. This person will HOPEFULLY
have also assisted Rescue in some way throughout their years of involvement.
(If you don’t rescue…don’t breed.)
people that are ‘new’ to the breed but still choose to breed their dogs without
showing will state that the show ‘scene’ isn’t for them. Too much drama, etc.
Well, I hate to say it…but…yes, drama is there. It is in everything we do. So,
suck it up. You can choose to be a part of the drama or not. There are many
people in the ‘show world’ that do not participate in the drama. Your
choice… go with those in the drama or
not. But, especially as a new person to the breed…get out there and show your
dog. YOU need to learn all aspects of the breed standard and how it applies to
real dogs. Not some line drawing. Learn the differences in angulation and how
it applies to the movement (side movement as well as coming and going) of a
dog. Learn about ‘fronts’. You will hear a lot about fronts…but in reality very
few people really understand about ‘fronts’. There is more that makes up a
‘front’ on a dog than a rear. How about lay back of shoulder vs. lay on of
shoulder? Short upper arm? Can you tell when the shoulders are set too far
forward on a dog? How does all of this affect the movement on the dog? (I often
shake my head when reading comments on movement photos of dogs. Comments about
the great movement, reach and drive, etc. Yet the dog is often crossing over,
paddling, crabbing or any number of other “no no’s” and yet many people don’t
recognize these traits for what they are…incorrect structure.) Go to the shows
and learn. Go to the National Specialty and go to the breeder and structure
seminars. YES…there is a lot of room for personal interpretation in The Mastiff
Standard. However, a lot is general canine structure. So, when you say that the
show scene isn’t for you and you choose to breed your dogs anyway…how do you
know you are really breeding to the breed standard? How do you really KNOW the
breed standard? Let’s face it…every one of us can walk our dog through PetSmart
and hear over and over again how wonderful our dog is, how beautiful, etc…does
that make it breeding quality? No. How closely it matches The Mastiff Standard
is what makes it breeding quality.
Health testing: This is always a hot topic.
Health testing is NOT the same as a vet check. Anyone that takes on the
responsibility that comes with breeding these dogs OWES it to the breed, both
now and the future generations, to health test. Health testing is a tool. Just
like the tool box in your garage…it contains many individual tools. And as you
go along you add to that tool box. Health Testing Mastiffs is very similar. 20
years ago they tested hips. Then they added Elbows and Heart. Today there are
many tests that are used to evaluate breeding dogs and make our educated
decisions on proper pairings. While part of this Health Testing is done at your
regular veterinarian…it involves other agencies as well; OFA, CERF, Optigen,
etc. These are not things that are done just on your general practitioner’s say
so. Some people will claim that they don’t want to risk their dog’s health by
putting them under sedation to have their hips and elbows x-rayed. Well, this
is a cop out, IMHO. First of all…there are hundreds of qualified vets around
the country that can and do offer OFA x-rays without sedation. If this is a
deal breaker for you…then go the extra mile and find one that does it without
sedation. Secondly…have their hearts done PRIOR to the x-rays. If there is no
heart problem evident the risk of sedation is minimal. Thirdly…if you are
willing to put the dog at risk by breeding it (potential c-sections, etc) then
what is the difference in using sedation for Health Testing? By doing all of
the appropriate health testing on today’s dogs we hope to reduce the health
problems in the Mastiff breed for future generations. Does it mean that you
won’t have the occasional health problem pop up with health tested parents? Of
course not. But…at least YOU know, as a responsible breeder, that you have done
everything in your power to ensure that the puppies you produce are the best they
could possibly be.
after you do all of your health testing…the responsibility does not end there.
Then you need to find the appropriate mate to your dog with suitable and
complimentary structure, temperament and health testing. RARELY will this be to
the dog in your own back yard! The odds of having a dog in your own back yard
that match up conformationally and though health testing is very low. It takes
years of breeding with this in mind to increase your odds. Your responsibility
as a breeder is to work to improve the breed…not breed for convenience. That
will usually mean that the stud dog of choice will be across the country, out
on a show circuit, etc. when it comes time to breed your girl! Murphy’s Law.
But…if you are doing things right you do what you have to do.
Temperament: Another Hot Topic. Just
because you read on the internet that a dog has a wonderful temperament doesn’t
make it so. Just because a dog has passed a CGC, TDI, TT, etc…doesn’t make it
so. The Temperament tests ARE a good start…BUT…they can be trained for. Also,
ideally, you want to see a dog (and as many relatives as possible) outside of
the home…in many other settings. Watch the dogs at shows. Watch how they
interact with each other and people walking by. Watch how they respond to the
judge. Watch them on more than one day. (Every dog can have a good day or a bad
day…just like us.) Are they happy well-adjusted dogs day after day? Do they
look like they would prefer to be any place other than there? Are their tails
tucked, hanging freely, wagging happily or held ‘erect’? Are their ears
relaxed, back, at attention? What about their eyes? What expression do they
exhibit? Body language states a lot. Watch them in and out of the ring. How do
they react to strollers, wheel chairs, small children, small dogs, etc.
Indifference? Interest? Caution? Assertiveness? Is the person holding the dog
relaxed? Do they have a ‘death grip’ on the lead? Watchful? Protective? Just
because someone says their dog has an awesome temperament doesn’t make it so.
Size: For many people Size is a BIG
deal. Well, The Mastiff Standard says that males need to be minimum 30in tall
and females 27 1/2in tall. There are no weight requirements. Proportion is very
important. You rarely (if ever) see someone advertising a male and stating that
they are 30in tall. Human nature leads to exaggeration. If you brought a wicket
(the official measuring tool) to the MCOA National Specialty and measured each
and every Champion in the ring…chances are that very few would measure ‘up’ to
what the claims are in advertising. Same thing goes for weight. Here is something
to keep in mind (as a guide)…those flat wooden (often painted blue) boards that
are the legs on show rings…the accordion partitions attach to them to make the
show ring…are 24in tall according to the manufacturers. There are very few
Mastiff males that are at a proper weight for their structure, that TRULY weigh
over 225lbs. I will even give 5lbs +/- for variations in scale accuracy. That
doesn’t mean that there are not those boys that weigh more…but it is not that
common. And more often than not…they are overweight. I am more impressed by the
owner that claims a believable weight/height on a dog as it makes me more
likely to believe other claims they might make. (Willing to stretch the truth a
bit in one area?? Why not others?)
hope that you have taken the time to read this…I know it is long. There isn’t a
single person in the Mastiff community that can say they know everything and
have nothing left to learn. Keep an open mind. Be willing to listen to those
with more experience. Chances are they have been there and done that. This
isn’t ‘elitist’ or ‘cliquish’, etc. If you don’t like what you are being
told…be honest with yourself…sometimes the truth is the hardest to accept.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Really Important Things to Remember About Your Mastiff Puppy
The other day I was thinking about when I send a puppy to
their new home what do I really want to emphasize to the new owners. My original puppy packet is now a 110 page
book. While I would love for new owners
to read and take to heart all of that info, in reality that’s unrealistic, so
here are a few of the biggies, in no particular order.
Although he is big he is DELICATE. Your puppy will grow to be nearly 200 times
the size he was when he was born in approximately 2 short years. This means he grows FAST, sometimes upwards
of 5lbs per week. This also means his
bones are fairly soft because they are growing at such an exponential
rate. Here are some things that are unacceptable for
your Mastiff puppy and can cause permanent bone and joint damage.
Mastiffs NEED socialization from the beginning. If you want a well-rounded puppy that can
behave around other dogs and people you need to start socialization no later
than 3 months. This includes things such
as taking them to your local pet stores where other dogs and people are, taking
them to public events or the park, and dog training classes. As agreed upon when you purchased your puppy
and signed your contract with me you are required to take you puppy to at least
one round of puppy training classes or obedience before they are 6 months old,
however additional training classes are highly recommended.
Remember, puppies from Gryphon Mastiffs are raised holistically. They are weaned to a raw diet and they have been vaccinated once for Parvo and Distemper. They will need one additional booster shot when they are 13 weeks old (please be sure that your vet does not use combination shots, those are the most harmful to your pet)The booster for the Parvo shot and the Distemper shot should be given at least a week apart to avoid vaccine reactions. They will also need a rabies vaccine at 4 weeks after the last booster shot, then one year after that to boost the rabies immunity. While we hope your Mastiff is already on a Vitamin C supplement, if not Vitamin C helps the body rid the toxins introduced during vaccination, so we reccommend supplementation during vaccination if you aren't already doing it. After these shots we recommend you do not vaccinate your dog again, instead you do a yearly titer test on them to see if they have immunity already in their systems. Most commercial vaccines last 7+ years. If the titer shows your dog is protected then there is no need for an additional vaccine. For more info on vaccine reactions and how vaccines can alter the DNA structure of your dog contact us.
![]() |
1 1/2 lbs to 175lbs in 2 years! |
Don’t let you puppy play or run
on surfaces like tile, hardwood, linoleum or any slick surface. A slip the
wrong way can be harmful to your pups joints.
Never put any kind of weight or
pressure on your Mastiff’s joints or back.
NEVER let your children lean,
drape over or sit on your Mastiff. Not
only can it damage your puppy’s joints it’s a very unsafe activity to let any
child do to any dog and children that aren’t taught how to treat and interact with
dogs appropriately are much more likely to get bitten.
Never let your Mastiff jump off
of anything until they are at least 18 months old, preferably 2 years. Jumping down off of things can put severe and
extreme pressure on their front legs and cause the growth plates to be damaged
or bones to be fractured. If your
Mastiff needs to come down off of something, like out of a vehicle guide them
down gently or use a ramp or stair steps.
Mastiffs get BIG, we all know that. So just like ANY other
dog, NEVER let your Mastiff puppy do anything that you don't want it to do when
it's 200lbs. Untraining a behavior is undeniably more difficult than properly
training a behavior to start with.
Also remember that your Mastiff puppy is a Giant breed, not
a large breed. If you chose to switch
your puppy off of the raw diet he was raised on and feed your puppy a kibble
diet make sure it is NOT puppy food. It
is important to keep your calcium/phosphorus levels to 1:1 or as close as you
can get to that. The food also needs to
contain under 28% protein, 26% or lower is much better. Advice from most
veterinarians in regards to the nutritional needs of giant breed puppies is
WRONG. If you plan to switch your puppy’s
food please consult us so we can help you review the quality and ingredients of
the new food. We reccommend supplementing your Mastiff with Vitamin C, Glusocamine/Chondroitin and Fish Oil for the life of your pet.
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Brinkley graduating from puppy kindergarten. Socialization is the key to a well balanced Mastiff. |
Remember, puppies from Gryphon Mastiffs are raised holistically. They are weaned to a raw diet and they have been vaccinated once for Parvo and Distemper. They will need one additional booster shot when they are 13 weeks old (please be sure that your vet does not use combination shots, those are the most harmful to your pet)The booster for the Parvo shot and the Distemper shot should be given at least a week apart to avoid vaccine reactions. They will also need a rabies vaccine at 4 weeks after the last booster shot, then one year after that to boost the rabies immunity. While we hope your Mastiff is already on a Vitamin C supplement, if not Vitamin C helps the body rid the toxins introduced during vaccination, so we reccommend supplementation during vaccination if you aren't already doing it. After these shots we recommend you do not vaccinate your dog again, instead you do a yearly titer test on them to see if they have immunity already in their systems. Most commercial vaccines last 7+ years. If the titer shows your dog is protected then there is no need for an additional vaccine. For more info on vaccine reactions and how vaccines can alter the DNA structure of your dog contact us.
Finally, I should be your first point of contact for
anything Mastiff you need, training questions, diet, exercise, behavior,
etc. While I may point you in a
different direction for assistance I want to be here for the life of your
Mastiff. That’s my job as a breeder!
Remember you can Rescue!
If you are looking for a Mastiff, but are unsure if you want
to go through the puppy stages remember there are so many Mastiffs in rescues
across the country looking for thier forever homes. Contact me if you would
like help in locating your perfect Mastiff rescue.
Looking for a Mastiff Dog or Puppy? Why Not Adopt!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
How to Verify a Mastiff Comes From Health Tested Lines
The Mastiff breed as a whole is prone to numerous genetic
health issues, the following of which can be tested for in breeding dogs to
help ensure that these genetic problems are not passes on to the next
- Hip Dysplasia
- Elbow Dysplasia
- Patella
- Cardiac
- Thyroid
- vonWillebrands
- Degenerative Melopathy
- Cystinuria
- Canine Multi-focal Retinopathy (CMR)
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
disorders are polygenic, meaning that they are a mix of genetics, environment,
diet, etc. While the genetic factor in
these issues is a huge part of the determination of whether a puppy will be
affected by the issue, other factors do play a part. These testable issues include hip dysplasia,
elbow dysplasia, patella’s (knees), cardiac or heart, eyes and thyroid.
how do you verify if a Mastiff has had the appropriate health testing? There is a wonderful little thing called the
OFA (orthopedic foundation for animals).
Every test can be traced through the OFA if the breeder elected to do so
when the test was performed. If they
elected not to make sure that the breeder provides proof that the test was
completed and what the result was.
is an example of the paper proof that a breeder might provide to prove the
testing was done on a specific dog:
look up a dog on OFA’s website direct your browser to
On the left hand side of the screen there is a quick lookup bar. Type the dogs AKC # or part of the name into
the bar and hit search.
dogs in the OFA database matching your search entry will show up. Click the dog you are interested in health testing information on.
will be directed to the page for this specific dog. You can also see relatives of the dogs listed
below and their relationship. This makes
it easy to verify multiple generations of health testing.
While every breeders contract will be just a little bit
different, it is important to make sure that a health guarantee is in
place. I recommend a guarantee on
genetic issues that lasts for a minimum of 26 months, this gives 2 full months
after the puppy turns 2 years to complete the health testing. Here is an
excerpt of the health guarantee in my puppy contract.
“The following conditions apply unless the Mastiff becomes dysplastic due to an injury, incorrect diet, or obesity. Gryphon Mastiffs guarantees this puppy against genetic hip and or elbow dysplasia for 26 months. At 24 months he/she can have his/her hips and elbows rated by OFA to clear them of dysplasia. As part of this guarantee, Buyer agrees to have OFA hip and elbow rating done on the stated Mastiff no later than two years and two months of age.”
In closing, it is important to remember that regardless of
written guarantees, no breeder can 100% guarantee you won’t have some issue pop
up with your puppy, nutrition and environment play just as important a role in
the puppy's health as genetics do. A reputable breeder will be there to offer
guidance and suggestions as well as an empathetic ear for the life of the
Friday, May 24, 2013
Mastiff Breeder Lists - Locating a Mastiff Breeder
One of the biggest things I get asked and I see asked on
message boards and facebook groups is “Where can I find a list of reputable
Mastiff breeders.” I’ll tell you that
there is no magic list of these breeders, it is going to take a little time on
your part in finding what you are comfortable with in a breeder and lifelong
support line. There are a few places to
start though.
Devine Farm (
This webpage was put together by a long time Mastiff breeder. It contains tons of articles and info on
Mastiffs, health, breeding, training and so much more. All the information was provided by those
involved in the Mastiff fancy, many being long time, experienced Mastiff
breeders. There is a specific page that lists upcoming litter
announcements as well as a stud dog listing.
I always recommend that people start their search on this webpage.
2. (
This webpage and database was put together by Goldleaf Mastiffs, who have been
in the Mastiff breed for a very long time.
They maintain a message board and forum where you can ask questions, a
stud dog listing, there is a litter announcement section on their forum, and
last but certainly not least there is a very nice listing of Mastiff breeders,
some of which it even indicates whether or not the specific breeder does
testing on their breeding stock. Last
time I was on this site some of the links to the breeder webpages were broken,
but a fair number are still active and it’s a great resource.
The MCOA breeder referral list: The Mastiff Club
of America will send you a listing of their member breeders to begin your
search. The list does cost a few dollars
to mail, and I have heard from some that it is not that great of a resource,
but if you are wanting all the options available to choose the best possible
puppy it is an option to research into.
Finally, there are several Mastiff forums I
recommend checking out. All have a
plethora of information regarding everything Mastiff. These places are great to network with other
Mastiff owners and breeders and ask for advice and referrals onto
breeders. Several of the forums I am
active in are The World Mastiff Forum (,
Mastiff Forum (,
Mastiff Online Community (,
and Mastiff Chat (
One tip I have when contacting a breeder is to call
them. So many people what to email or
contact through a webpage, but in all honesty a lot of breeders have webpages,
but don’t update them regularly and sometimes those email links get broken or
emails don’t get checked. If you really
are interested in a puppy from someone pick up the phone and talk directly to
the person.
In closing, remember that you as a puppy buyer retain the
sole responsibility of verifying all health testing has been completed on the breeding
stock of a breeder. These lists and
resources are simply a jumping off point to begin your search.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Missouri Folks - The 2013 MCOA National Specialty is in YOUR state!
I just wanted to put a word out to Mastiff lovers everywhere
that the 2013 Mastiff Club of America National Specialty is in Joplin, MO this
year, May 13th - 19th, 2013. Good news for me is that’s barely
a 3 hour drive. If you are new to the
breed or a long time Mastiff lover this is the place to meet, greet, mingle and
make lifelong friendships as well as love on tons of Mastiffs for a whole
Here is a link to the Specialty website that outlines the
entire schedule:
A few highlights are:
Monday Night: Puppy Fun
Tuesday Morning:
Futurity/Maturity Show
Tuesday Afternoon:
Breeders Cup
Wednesday Afternoon:
Wednesday Night: Welcome
Thursday Night: Tournament
of Champions
Friday Morning: AKC Dog
Saturday Morning: AKC
Bitch Classes
Saturday Night: Awards
Sunday Morning: Best of
Breed Competition
And a few pics from last year...
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Tips and Methods to House Training Your Mastiff Puppy
After the puppy eats or drinks, take him outside to go potty
immediately. A puppy will always need to go to the potty shortly after eating
or drinking. Control when the puppy eats, as well. He does not require a full
bowl of food available at all times. He should be fed on a consistent schedule.

Crate training is also imperative in house training a puppy,
as well as teaching the dog a crate is a good thing. There’s nothing worse than
trying to crate a 200lb dog that has never been in a crate before. Choose a
crate that is large enough for the puppy to stand and turn around in; never use
the crate as punishment, such as a "time out" corner. It should be a
place where the puppy feels safe and comfortable. Take the puppy outside to go
potty before putting him in his crate. He can be safely crated for three to four
hours; puppies rarely use the crate as a potty and will learn to hold it while
in the crate. Take him outside to potty as soon as you let him out of the
crate. While you may feel like you are imprisoning him, puppies who are crate
trained begin to appreciate the safety and security of their crate, and it
becomes a safe place for them. I always give a tiny treat when they go in their
crate and eventually turn it into a command the dog knows. When I say crate,
the dog goes in the crate. It actually becomes quite handy.
Repetition and consistency are two key factors that will
help your puppy learn to let you know he needs to go potty. Whenever you take
the puppy outside to go potty, always take him through the same door and to the
same area of your yard. This will help to train him to go to that door when he
needs to go potty. I have also had luck in making your puppy sit before he goes
through any door, anywhere. This teaches the puppy two important things: not to
pull you through a door or run out of a door and secondly, to go sit down in
front of a door when he wants to go outside. I prefer this to the bell on the
door knob methods because some dogs simply ring the bell incessantly just to go
out and play, which can get pretty annoying pretty fast.
If while training the puppy does have accident inside NEVER
punish or scold the puppy unless you catch them in the act. Dogs don’t
generalize and if you punish them after the fact they really don’t know what
they are in trouble for. Other unacceptable behaviors that have been popular in
the past are hitting the dog with a newspaper or rubbing his nose in the
accident. These are not productive training methods and in my personal opinion
would be considered abusive.
On a side note if you have a dog that has been potty trained
for a time and all of a sudden starts having accidents inside, the first step
is a vet visit. The dog could be suffering from a urinary tract or kidney
infection and not be able to control their bodily functions.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Considerations of a Puppy Buyer | Tips to Establishing a Relationship With Your Breeder
If I’m on the side of the fence of a puppy buyer, it’s all about me. If
on the side of the fence of the breeder, it’s all about the puppy and it’s quality
of life and safety. Where do we compromise?
Well usually as responsible breeder’s we don’t.
While responsible breeders do ‘sell’ you a product, a puppy, this is not one of those ‘the customer is always right’ situations. This is a living, breathing creature. Common sales practices and procedures do not apply. Here are my suggestions if you are looking to add a puppy to your home.
for a breeder, not a puppy. If you’re
only search is for a puppy at a specific time, say next summer, you are
severely limiting your options. Many
reputable Mastiff breeders only have litters once a year (or less). You are far better off to find a breeder you
are comfortable with, when they have a litter you will get your puppy then. Now
this may sound like exactly what you don’t want to do, but puppies are not
interchangeable. Breeder #1 might have
several litters per year, but they are more than likely in the business of dog
breeding to make money. Their dogs
probably don’t have the breed specific health testing done and their dogs are
less than stellar when it comes to conforming to the standard. Breeder #2 only breeds for their next puppy,
they have all the relevant genetic health testing done on their dogs, because
they don’t want to pass anything on to a future generation. Because their dogs are family they live in
the house. They only have a litter every
few years because when breeding for their next keeper puppy they have to make sure they have room in the house for a new family member. If you take a
puppy from Breeder #1 because they have puppies now instead of waiting 6+ months
for a puppy from Breeder #2 then you have just done yourself a huge disservice.
Looking for a breeder instead of a puppy also gives you the opportunity to make a personal connection with a breeder. You can be sure both parties share the same criteria, goals, and expectations from a breeding. If the breeder you have chosen ends up not having a litter any time soon or the breeding doesn’t take, the worst that could happen is you form a great relationship with an experience mentor. They can refer you on to other breeders with the same morals and goals you are looking for in a breeder and dogs that produce the same quality or physical appearance and temperament that you are looking for.
The next item to note is that you should expect to wait for a puppy. I would say it’s rare to wait less than 6 or 8 months for the perfect puppy for your family, sometimes a year or better. Would you rather get a puppy today with no background or that doesn’t quite fit your family? Or wait to get matched up with a puppy that will mesh will with your situation. In the long run you will always wish you picked the later.
contacting a breeder for the first time make sure to introduce not only yourself,
but your family and current pets, as well as provide some background as to why
you want a puppy and how you’ve come to the conclusion that the Mastiff breed
(or whatever breed) is right for you. Be
sure to include any relevant experience with the breed you may have or what
research you have done on the breed to prepare your life and family for a new
addition. It is also a good idea to explain what your plans are for this
puppy. Do you just want a family pet
with a stable temperament; do you want a dog to show, a service dog, a therapy
dog? These items will greatly increase
the breeder’s ability to determine if what they have to offer with their line
of dogs will be the best fit for your family.
On the other hand, if you shoot a breeder an email that says, “Hey, I see you sell Mastiff puppies, how much do they cost?” they are likely to trash that email and not respond. You have to remember while you are purchasing a puppy, they are adopting out one of their babies. I look at this almost more of an interview process with a purchase option for approved homes than a sales situation. If you do come across a breeder who will sell you a puppy with little to no background knowledge of you as a purchaser, you should run! If they aren’t screening homes, they have no real interest in what becomes of that puppy. That means in a year when you need support and help with your puppy you will likely get no help.
you decide you are happy with a breeder, but also like an alternative breeder and are
on their waiting list too, be honest.
Let each breeder know, there is nothing worse than calling someone who
you have been corresponding with for months about their ‘perfect puppy’ only to
hear that they got a puppy last week from so and so. It’s okay to be on more than one waiting
list, just be honest with both breeders so a puppy somewhere doesn’t get shorted
on a quality home. I don’t want to turn
someone away because I have more puppies than homes only to find out ½ of those
homes got a puppy from somewhere else and didn’t tell me. Also note that many Mastiff breeders are longtime friends or at least acquaintances. All breeders know the other breeders. If you come to Breeder A and are a complete failure in their opinion as a suitable home… then you go to Breeder B for a puppy, they are going to know.
So the day has come, you have been approved by the breeder, you talk once a week about the upcoming litter… now the puppies are here! First thing you want to do is come and see them. Who wouldn’t want to see the babies? Well, don’t get to upset, because you probably aren’t going to get to for some time. It is important for breeder to keep their newborn puppies in a clean germ free environment until their first round of shots (at minimum). I know you want to come see how adorable they are when they are only a week old, but the risk of you bringing in some unknown pathogen, a parvo cell that you picked up off the sidewalk, a corona virus you got from the park yesterday on your shoe, or any other illness, virus or germs is too high. Even if you don’t have pets the risk is still too great. A good breeder will keep potential buyers up to date with pictures, but don’t expect to get to visit the puppies until closer to 7 or 8 weeks of age.
While responsible breeders do ‘sell’ you a product, a puppy, this is not one of those ‘the customer is always right’ situations. This is a living, breathing creature. Common sales practices and procedures do not apply. Here are my suggestions if you are looking to add a puppy to your home.
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A quality puppy is worth the wait. |
Looking for a breeder instead of a puppy also gives you the opportunity to make a personal connection with a breeder. You can be sure both parties share the same criteria, goals, and expectations from a breeding. If the breeder you have chosen ends up not having a litter any time soon or the breeding doesn’t take, the worst that could happen is you form a great relationship with an experience mentor. They can refer you on to other breeders with the same morals and goals you are looking for in a breeder and dogs that produce the same quality or physical appearance and temperament that you are looking for.
The next item to note is that you should expect to wait for a puppy. I would say it’s rare to wait less than 6 or 8 months for the perfect puppy for your family, sometimes a year or better. Would you rather get a puppy today with no background or that doesn’t quite fit your family? Or wait to get matched up with a puppy that will mesh will with your situation. In the long run you will always wish you picked the later.
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Waiting when you want something so bad is hard, but in the case of a quality puppy it's worth the wait. |
On the other hand, if you shoot a breeder an email that says, “Hey, I see you sell Mastiff puppies, how much do they cost?” they are likely to trash that email and not respond. You have to remember while you are purchasing a puppy, they are adopting out one of their babies. I look at this almost more of an interview process with a purchase option for approved homes than a sales situation. If you do come across a breeder who will sell you a puppy with little to no background knowledge of you as a purchaser, you should run! If they aren’t screening homes, they have no real interest in what becomes of that puppy. That means in a year when you need support and help with your puppy you will likely get no help.
you have gone through the steps above and end up with the breeder telling you
no, ask why.
If they believe your home, family or life style won’t fit well with a
Mastiff you should revisit why you wanted a Mastiff to start with. If you want one because they look cool, but
want a dog that can jog 10 miles a day with you, the Mastiff is a poor
choice. If you want a Mastiff because
you want a big dog, but don’t like drool, the Mastiff is a poor choice,
etc. You get my point. If you are told no by several breeders you
need to reevaluate your wants and needs and be honest with yourself about what
kind of dog would fit best with your family.
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When the cute puppy above turns into this slobber monster are you prepared? |
So the day has come, you have been approved by the breeder, you talk once a week about the upcoming litter… now the puppies are here! First thing you want to do is come and see them. Who wouldn’t want to see the babies? Well, don’t get to upset, because you probably aren’t going to get to for some time. It is important for breeder to keep their newborn puppies in a clean germ free environment until their first round of shots (at minimum). I know you want to come see how adorable they are when they are only a week old, but the risk of you bringing in some unknown pathogen, a parvo cell that you picked up off the sidewalk, a corona virus you got from the park yesterday on your shoe, or any other illness, virus or germs is too high. Even if you don’t have pets the risk is still too great. A good breeder will keep potential buyers up to date with pictures, but don’t expect to get to visit the puppies until closer to 7 or 8 weeks of age.
Also don’t expect to get to pick out your puppy. Some breeders are more picky about this than others, but if you want the blue boy puppy for a service dog and he is standoffish and aloof he’s just not going to be the best fit. If you want a puppy to be your first show dog and you pick a puppy deemed as “pet quality”, then you are doing yourself a disservice and setting yourself up for failure. The breeder has been hand raising these pups for 2 months. By this point in your breeder/buyer relationship you should trust them to guide you to the best fit puppy for your family.
All that being said, it is important to remember that a the breeders responsibility is not to make you happy, it’s to ensure each of the lives they helped bring into this world get the best chance to have a happy healthy life with the optimal environment to thrive. A breeders responsibility is to the breed itself, bettering the breed, protecting the breed. Just remember that the rewards of waiting to be matched with the best fit puppy far outweigh the frustration of waiting a few months to add a new family member to your household.
Also don’t expect to get to pick out your puppy. Some breeders are more picky about this than others, but if you want the blue boy puppy for a service dog and he is standoffish and aloof he’s just not going to be the best fit. If you want a puppy to be your first show dog and you pick a puppy deemed as “pet quality”, then you are doing yourself a disservice and setting yourself up for failure. The breeder has been hand raising these pups for 2 months. By this point in your breeder/buyer relationship you should trust them to guide you to the best fit puppy for your family.
All that being said, it is important to remember that a the breeders responsibility is not to make you happy, it’s to ensure each of the lives they helped bring into this world get the best chance to have a happy healthy life with the optimal environment to thrive. A breeders responsibility is to the breed itself, bettering the breed, protecting the breed. Just remember that the rewards of waiting to be matched with the best fit puppy far outweigh the frustration of waiting a few months to add a new family member to your household.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Photography Friday
Here are a few posters I've been working on lately. Thought I
would share them with the world :)
And a few photo edit's I've done lately as well. I hope you enjoy!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Interview With a Mastiff - Brinkley Mastiff
Tell us about
your family?
there’s my people’s. Mommy and
Shawn. Mommy takes care of me and trains
me and gives me cookies and baths and all kinds of stuff. Shawn… or dad plays with me and I cuddle him
on the couch sometimes. I like to lick
his head and ears when he’s not paying attention. Boone is my brother. He’s a pain in my tail, but when he’s gone or
I’m gone and get back he’s the first one I look for to greet! I guess I love da big lug a little bit. Finally there’s that mean furry gray one that
I like to stalk and chase (Molly the cat), but she beats the crap out of me if I ever get to
close. Sometimes mom gets mad at me
cause I won’t stop chasing her.
Take us through
a typical day in your life.
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Here's me doing two of my favorite things... lying in the bed and licking (not sure what I'm licking though) |
don’t get to sleep in the bed since that person after a long car ride cut my
leg open (TPLO surgery) cause mom says jumping off the bed could really mess up
my healing. I feel great though, so I
make sure to stand beside the bed and whine for a few minutes each morning
cause I still want up real bad. Then the
mom gets up and feeds me, I get REALLY excited about this. Then I go out for 2 minutes and potty and
patrol the backyard. I sleep all day
while the peoples are at work, then get excited and playful for like 15 whole
minutes when they get home. I get to go
for a walk a lot of days. And then the
rest of the afternoon I sleep. At dinner
time (which I KNOW of course) I start to whine and groan until the mom gets up
and feeds me. If I don’t get fed by 8:00
I whine constantly making them think I’m dying.
Then they feed me. After I eat I
go potty outside for 2 minutes, then back on the couch to sleep until the next
How do you fit
in with the household?
the one who makes sure no one is trying to kill us. I make sure if the window is open and something
is going on outside I bark to let everyone know. I patrol the backyard twice a day and growl
and bark at anything I think isn’t right.
I am the family protector for sure.
The Boone is too dumb for this job, he loves everyone too much. The responsibility falls on me to keep
everyone safe.
HATE getting my toenails chopped off. It
What are some
of your hobbies?
spend a fair amount of my time (that I’m not sleeping) waiting for food,
whining about not getting the food and most of the rest of my time is spent sucking on
my toys and chasing the cat. I like to play in the snow too. I eat it. I eat grass too.... and play in the water. I looooove the water. I love doing all these things.
Where are your favorite
places to visit?
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Me and Boone sucking on our toys. I gots the big monkey and he has his nasty love bear |
couch and the bed. I like walks too, but
don’t like to go to places where I’m expected to do anything productive.
What would you
like to tell everyone about yourself?
have a true Mastiff guardian personality.
I love everyone unless you give me a reason not to. Mess with my family and I’ll mess you
up. I also love to lick people. My tongue is a good 10 inches long, it wraps
around people heads real good. If you
want to be my friend give me food and let me lick you. That’s all I ask.
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