My 2019 New Years resolution. Get this blog going again. I know a lot of folks still use the site for information, but I'm going to be adding lots of new stuff this year. So let me reintroduce you to us.
What We’ve Been Up To, A Griffin Family Update
Well, as you can see I haven’t updated the site in around a year. I have a ton of info posted and get hits on it and comments weekly, so I feel it’s still a great resource to have for people, so I thought I’d give a quick update.
Family: We purchased a 150 acre farm in Randolph County, MO in August and moved in. We love it! It's like a hiking trip for the dogs every day, they get to help me take care of all the barn critters, there are several ponds to play in and open fields and woods to explore. Read More...

Merry Christmas from Gryphon Mastiffs
Merry Christmas from Boone & Brinkley. We’re keeping our paws crossed that Santa thinks we were good this year and blesses us with the gift of a belly full of Brinkley babies. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

Well the babies have all been gone for a month now. It' seems like forever ago. I thought for anyone keeping up to date on our saga would like to know where everyone ended up and how they are doing. Read More...
Brinkley Featured as Doggie Nation's Offensive Tackle!
I was recently contacted by the graphic artist
at Doggie Nation, an online retailer for sports apparel and team wear for
pets. A few conversations later and
Brinkley was featured as the “Defensive Tackle” on their football team of dogs info graphic. She looks pretty tough doesn't she!?!

It’s been 3 weeks since Brinkley’s babies
arrived and I’m just now getting time to update the website and blog. Welcome
Brinkley x Wally babies, Lana (Brindle girl), Archer (fawn boy), Cheryl (fawn
girl) and Pam (fawn girl). All babies were born healthy and BIG, 1lb 14oz down
to 1lb 8 oz. and have since been growing like weeds. They are all starting to
show their own little personalities and are running around like heathens! Read More...
Happy Valentines Day! Brinkley's pregnant! We
won't know until they get here with how many, sexes or colors, but we sure are
The dogs had a great holiday. They are so
spoiled! Got to go see Santa, got lots of treats and to visit lots of other
dogs at Lizzi and Rocco’s while seeing Santa. Presents abound, grunting toys,
Zukes chews, dehydrated trachea, dehydrated lamb lung.
Boone made the paper! He’s such a good boy and
such a great ambassador for the Mastiff breed. Here’s the beginning of the
article as is was published in the Columbia Missourian. Read More...

Here are a few posters I've been working on lately. Thought I would share them with the world :) See More...
I thought it would be fun for everyone to get to know all of the gang a little better, so I’ve been interviewing everyone in the family! Our first guest interview is Boone! Tell us about your family? Well, my there’s the mom, she takes care of everything... Read More...

I just love the expressiveness of this breed! While it is still pretty miserable here in regards to the heat, we were able to spend about 20 minutes (in a row!) in the yard the other evening. I got some great shots of the puppers. Enjoy! Read More...
Please remember that your pup might not enjoy the fireworks and festivities as much as you (and your annoying neighbors) do, so make sure fido has a 'safe' place to hide and feel comfortable. Brinkley will probably be in bed with us tonight, not that that's much different from any other night. Anyway, enjoy your holiday and be safe everyone. Read More...
Brinkley took 4th in her class at the 2012 MCOA National Specialty. It was the largest bitch class in the show. I’m so proud of her. Thanks so much Carrie Klaiber for showing her so beautifully. Read More...
Found some new settings on the camera.... This might be my favorite picture on the new Sony Alpha yet.
"dis my toys.... stays back"

Good news for everyone.... My husband thought it would be a wonderful idea (with my suggestion of course!) that I get a DSLR camera for my birthday. I was so excited, we spent several months researching and trying a few out at the camera store and I finally decided on which one I wanted. While my birthday isn't until the end of June, I wanted to be able to take it with... Read More...
From Inside Columbia Magazine
by Haley Adams, Ashley Carman, Lauran Fitzpatrick & Jame Hausman
The first thing you notice about Brinkley is her size. The English mastiff weighs more than her owner, Amanda Griffin. Read More...
Most of us involved with
Mastiffs have heard or read the quote from the 1800 version of the Cynographia Britannica:
"What the Lion is to the Cat the Mastiff is to
the Dog, the noblest of the family; he stands alone, and all others sinking
before him. His courage does not exceed its temper and generosity and in
attachment he equals the kindest of his race." I don't know why, but I always really loved this quote,
maybe because it does ring so true to our breed.
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