the meantime, Mr. Wally (hopfully soon to be puppy daddy) has been tearing up
the show ring here in the states. He now
has numerous group placements, a BISS (Best in Show Special at a Mastiff specialty
show) and is currently the #5 Mastiff in the USA. I expect with that last win that he will bump
up to #4 for sure, and probably knock out #3 as well. He’s pretty much an awesome dude. He also
earned his TT title (Temperament Test) while here in the US. I have no doubt
that he and Brinkley will make AMAZING babies together. I’m so excited (can you tell). It’s going to
be a great winter, looking forward to getting outside with the pups more, and
next spring will hopefully by filled with drooly fur balls all over my house.
I have lost touch with anyone or anyone wants to chat or has any questions for
me drop me a line. You can email me at or on facebook (,
or if you want to chat on the phone message me for my cell number. I would love to hear from each and every one
of you and know how your summers are going.
I posted some pictures of the pups below for everyone to enjoy!